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Use Them or Lose Them

These tax benefits are gone after 2013

Creative Summer Jobs

With the massive tax changes made at the beginning of 2013, it is hard to believe that many tax laws are still set to expireat the end of the year unless Congress acts. As the year winds down, now is a good time to review some of the key expiring tax provisions andtake action if you wish to benefit from them.

Button RightDirect charitable contributions from your retirement account. If you are age 70%C2%BD or older you can make a directcontribution from your tax-deferred retirement account directly to a qualified charitable organization.

right arrowBenefit: If handled correctly, this pre-taxdonation does not have to be reported as income on your tax return.

Button RightFederal tax credit for energy-saving home improvements. This credit for qualified energy-saving homeimprovements expires in 2013.

rightarrowBenefit: $500 credit (this is a lifetime credit, not annual) forenergy saving purchases. The limit is $200 for windows and skylights.

Button RightOptional itemized deduction of sales tax in lieu of state income taxes. In low or no income tax states, youmay use a sales tax itemized deduction instead of a state income tax deduction.

rightarrowBenefit: If you made major purchases or live in a state with no/lowincome taxes your itemized deductions could be much higher.

Button RightItemized deduction of qualified mortgage insurance premiums. Through 2013 you can continue to deduct yourqualified mortgage insurance premiums as an itemized deduction.

rightarrowBenefit: A meaningful increase in your itemized deductions.

Button RightQualified higher-education tuition and expense deduction. You can offset the tuition and expense of qualifiededucation using the tuition and fees deduction through 2013.

rightarrowBenefit: Up to a $4,000 income deduction. Planning is required asthis deduction may not be used in conjunction with many other educational tax benefits.

Button RightNumerous small business tax incentives. Many small business tax credits and accelerated depreciationincentives are also scheduled to expire after 2013. These range from bonus depreciation to the expiration of the research and development credit.If your business anticipates using any credits this year, it is best to review your situation.